What kind of king? What kind of kingdom? Matthew 11:1 - 14:12 (part 3 updated)
Matthew 13; What kind of kingdom?
From the prophet Hosea, Israel has heard the LORD speak of the messianic future as a time when "... I will have compassion on the house of Judah and deliver them by the LORD their God, and will not deliver them by bow, sword, battle, horses or horsemen." This compassion and deliverance has come in the Gospel of Jesus Christ and now we learn what sort of Kingdom the LORD has made us into in Jesus Christ.
(Read Matt. 13.1-10)
What does this information about a farmer who uses the agricultural technique of "sowing" have to do with our subject. I mean he may as well be pictured skipping about tossing seeds indiscriminately to the wind. This is serious, we need information...marching orders, so to speak. We need to know about the establishment and implementation of a Jewish Kingdom that will not fail in producing its proper effect. (Read Matt. 13.1-10 again)
(Read Matt. 13.10-17)
Will this really add anything to our understanding of how we shall go about implementing "godly government" in the earth as it is in heaven? Much depends on what we go into the parable with. Have you heard by what spirit Jesus moves? Do you really hold to Jesus as he has revealed both himself and his kingdom law here in Matthew? If you have already become truly willing to allow all your orientation to be re-centered around Him then you are about to gain even greater insight into his kingdom among us. If, on the other hand, you have not already been confronted, and gone on to embrace the spiritual way of Jesus then the parable will make the gospel seem all the more distant and cut-off from what you perceive as the actual method of Godly government here and now. (Read Matt. 13.10-17 again)
(Read Matt. 13.18-23)
Remember "mysteries," that is to say "hidden things," about the Kingdom of Heaven are being revealed. How does God's own government in the earth function? You have to leave off the natural criteria for kingdom if you even want to see the Kingdom of Heaven. There is no coercion of either citizenry or enemies, no presumed citizenship by tribe, ethnic group, or nationality, no enforced responsibility based on place of birth. Basically, no sword save that sword of the spirit which is the word. The word of the kingdom -in other words, Jesus' authoritative teaching, even as we have it here in Matthew, is heard. Some do not understand it or do not perceive it and it is quickly snatched away by our enemy. Finally we are told that some who hear it understand, or perceive it, and bear fruit. Examine the threats to fruitfulness in this parable. Are there ways that you can anticipate, or reinforce your apprehension of, that which the Gospel teaching presses, by examining these threats? (Read Matt. 13.18-23 again)
(Read Matt. 13.24-30)
"He presented another parable to them saying, 'The kingdom of heaven may be compared to...'." He does not begin these parables by saying this is what must happen before the Kingdom of Heaven can be established, but rather, here is what the personal government of God in the earth is like, this is the cause-of-God being implemented, this is what is happening in the name of the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit. You are a vital participant as you, like Jesus, are taking up your cross daily and following Him...it may be in your very active "non-response to the world on its own terms." Remember what happened to 2nd cousin John, while Jesus ruled the creature by the spirit of God. This parable gives you a picture of what this kind of governance, this kingdom, will effect in the land. The whole parable describes Kingdom effectiveness but members of Christendom do not do much better than Israelites of the time did at hearing these descriptions. We will get more on this parable with the explanation in v.36-43. (Read Matt. 13.24-30 again)
(Read Matt.13.31,32)
When "the man" sows the seed it is insignificant, it seemed like a small thing but when it has grown...it proves to have been greatest of the kingdoms. It looks small among other seeds but actually it is the greatest of the herbs, even a tree which the birds light in. (Read 13.31,32 again)
(Read Matt.13.33)
The Kingdom of Heaven...which is to say, the KINGDOM that is OF HEAVEN, is hidden, yet it's hidden effect is thorough and complete. (Read Matt. 13.33 again)
(Read Matt. 13.34-35)
The new kingdom concept is something which has been hidden from the foundation of the world. Some will see it. (Read Matt. 13.34-35 again)
(Read Matt. 13. 36-43)
Take notice: what we have been calling the Kingdom of Heaven (v. 24) is the rule of heaven in the earth (see where the kingdom stuff in these parables is happening). It is the rule of heaven through it's king, "the human", or "the son of man" (Jesus, see v.41). It is a kingdom in which neither the king nor his servants fixes the messy mixture of "sons of the kingdom" with "sons of the evil one" Those people historically who have tried to be the separators have proven to be sons of the evil one by their fruit and will be judged on the last day according to their works. The kingdom of the Son will have everything offensive taken out of it on the last day, and then it will be delivered up to the Father as the Kingdom of the Father. (Read Matt. 13. 36-43again and consider 1Cor.15.24)
(Read Matt. 13. 44)
The government of God in the earth is hidden compared to the other governments but when a person finds it he counts it as far more valuable than all others and he gladly gives up everything of this age in order to gain it. (Read Matt.13.44 again)
(Read Matt. 13.45,46)
Same thing, an expert at finding that which has real strength suddenly realizes that the way of Christ is the way. Immediately he gives everything else up in order to gain it. (Read Matt. 13.45,46 again)
(Read Matt. 13.47-50)
Wow, what a crazy description of God's personal government in the earth..."a dragnet cast into the sea". Again, the seperation takes place at the end of the age. It is amazing that God knows better how to seperate "the wicked" from "the legitimate" better than men who call themselves "the people of God". (Read Matt. 13.47-50 again)
(Read Matt. 13.51)
Jesus asked: "Have YOU understood these things?" And I would like to ask, "Have we stood under these things in order to edge our understanding of God's very own government in the right direction?". (Read Matt. 13.51 again)
(Read Matt. 13.52)
Every scholar who would be a disciple of Jesus must bring out things "new and old". The "new" is mentioned first because it enlightens and fills up with meaning the "old". As the prophet quoted in verse 35 had it, "I will utter things hidden since the foundation of the world".(Read Matt. 13.52 again)
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